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What are the benefits of testing your sewage treatment plant discharge?


Updated: Apr 2, 2024

Sampling the discharge from your sewage treatment plant has many benefits, which will protect the environment, the tank itself, and your wallet! 

Taking a sample can provide insightful information regarding the efficiency of the sewage system, and indicate if it is compliant with regulations. Ultimately, this will determine whether the tank is safe to use, as if this is not the case, you could incur a heavy fine

The results can also tell if the frequency of desludging a sewage treatment plant is too much or too little, which could save you money in the long run. 

So, what are the benefits? 

Taking a sample from your sewage system’s effluent can give you a clear indication of the quality of water being discharged into its designated watercourse, and the overall performance of the tank. 

Compliance with regulation

The results from effluent testing can provide insight into the quality of the water, and if this meets the original permit requirements. If the results display that the effluent quality falls below the permit standards, then measures can be taken to fix any issues within the tank which would improve effluent quality. 

It is important to note that prior to taking the sample, it is essential to provide details of the original permit provided by the environmental agency. This provides a benchmark for the wastewater to be measured against. 

Monitor performance

Effluent discharge sampling can also be a good indicator of the overall efficiency of the sewage treatment system. If there are any components which are hindering the efficiency, then our engineers can assess this and suggest the best solution, to make sure your tank is functioning to its full potential. This will give you the best value for money for your sewage system, and ensure you get the most out of it. 

Protection for the environment

If the discharged effluent from a sewage treatment plant is below quality regulations, then this could contaminate local watercourses, and pose a threat to public health. By sampling wastewater effluent, homeowners and regulators can assess the environmental impact of wastewater systems on local water quality. 

Identifying and addressing sources of pollution can help protect drinking water supplies, local wildlife and ecosystems, and public health.

Protects the value of the property 

By properly maintaining your sewage system, its overall value is secured in the long run. If the homeowner looks to sell their property, the appropriate maintenance of the sewage system will ensure it holds its value, so that the seller can negotiate a better selling price. A poorly maintained sewage system will lower the value of the property, as additional maintenance costs may be incurred from new owners. 

How can we help?

At Cotterill Environmental, we provide effluent testing for sewage treatment plants to ensure your system is maintained to the relevant standards. Our team will visit the property and take a sample of discharged water from the tank, and send it off to the laboratory to be tested. Results can be expected to come back within two weeks, confirming if the water is compliant or not. 

It is important to note that our team requires the permit granted by the environmental agency to give permission to install the sewage treatment plant, based on the original percolation test. 

We also provide a desludging service, which can be arranged as regularly as required. 

Call our team today for more information and pricing. 

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